Help people in need

Your donation goes toward the initial and continuous training of the search and rescue dog team and the search fund for missing persons.

REDOG is a Swiss non-profit organisation that is certified by ZEWO since 2013. You can therefore deduct your donations from your taxes. We send you confirmation of your donations at the beginning of each year.

Donation account


IBAN CH88 0900 0000 8007 0388 0
Account no. 80-70388-0

Account holder:
REDOG Schweizerischer Verein für Such- und Rettungshunde
Bernapark 21, 3066 Stettlen


  • Phone: +41 31 381 38 77 / Mo-Fr 8-12 am / 1:30-4:30 pm
  • Adress: REDOG, Schweizerischer Verein für Such- und Rettungshunde
    Bernapark 21, 3066 Stettlen
  • Emergency number 0844 441 144