Donations in the case of bereavement

You are grieving the loss of a loved one and feel deep pain. Yet you nevertheless, or because of this, feel a need to help other people in need. You can ask for donations instead of flowers and wreaths, for example.

  • You can state this already in the obituary. Please add REDOG’s bank account details below and a reference that relates to the bereavement. For example: “Bereavement and name of deceased.”
  • Please notify is by email or phone of the details of the bereavement so that we can thank you and send you a list of benefactors.




 You can send a donation through online banking Online donation

Or you can use Postfinance

IBAN: CH88 0900 0000 8007 0388 0
Account no.: 80-70388-0

Account holder:
REDOG Schweizerischer Verein für Such- und Rettungshunde
Bernapark 21, 3066 Stettlen


Sabine Bähler
T +41 31 381 38 77
